The 10 Day Film Challenge
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2023-24 PROCESS
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2023 New Jersey
2020 Multi-State Films
2019 NJ Films
2019 Multi-State Films
2018 National Films
2018 NY Films
2018 PA Films
2018 NJ Films
2018 Multi-State Films
2018 Overseas Films
2017 National Films
2017 NY Films
2017 NJ Films
2017 PA Films
2017 Multi-State Films
2016 National Films
2016 NY Films
2016 NJ Films
2016 PA Films
2016 Multi-State Films
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Submit FINAL movie information PLUS your YOUTUBE THUMBNAIL on this page
STUDENTS - This page is for you!
On this page you will submit the information about your film and the THUMBNAIL.
The teacher will submit your actual film via emailed instructions.
Complete the form below and upload your THUMBNAIL. This must be done by 4pm on Day 10.
Be sure the THUMBNAIL is on the same computer you are using to complete this form.
items with asterisk are REQUIRED
Step 1 - Basic Information
Indicates required field
Use 2 letter initials
Your SCHOOL name
Don't use a major abbreviation. For example, write 'George Washington High School'... not GWHS.
Double check the spelling and accuracy of the film title.
GENRE of film
Be 100% sure this genre matches the genre you listed in the opening slate of your film.
List names of students + jobs. (Ex: John Smith, crew. OR Sally Star, camera. etc...)
Step 2 - Confirmation and YOUTUBE THUMBNAIL
Check YES to confirm that you have read all the rules and that you understand that IF you have NOT followed the rules, your film will NOT be considered for screening at the 10 DAY FILM CHALLENGE virtual screening day.
Check YES to confirm that (a) YOUR CHARACTER appears in the film by first and last name. (b) the character's BACKSTORY is clearly identified (c) the LINE is verbatim (d) the PROP appears and (e) your film was made in the correct GENRE.
Click YES to confirm your actual movie is 3-4 minutes long.
ULTIMATELY, your TOTAL running time of the film can be 4:21. You needed 5 seconds of a slate at the beginning + your 4 minute film + 15 seconds for scrolling credits + 1 second of black at the end. That all adds up to a maximum of 4:21.
Do you have the proper 'slates' at the beginning of your film (see letter "O" in the filmmaking rules)?
You needed 5 total seconds of a slate (over black) prior to the start of your film. It should be 1 second of black + 3 seconds of a title slide with your team name, film name, and genre + 1 second of black. THEN, your actual movie begins.
Have you watched your entire film once you EXPORTED it, prior to submitting it to your teacher?
There have been times where a student EXPORTS the film, but they really only exported a single clip, or the export didn't play properly. Watch your film after the export process. Whatever YOU submit to your teacher is what WE receive. If the film is unwatchable for any reason, it will be disqualified.
UPLOAD the YOUTUBE THUMBNAIL. Be sure to upload a JPEG / JPG. No other formats please.
Max file size: 20MB
ONLY CLICK "SUBMIT" button ONCE. It might take a minute for you to receive a confirmation page. BE PATIENT.
SUBMIT MY INFO AND THUMBNAIL - I will wait patiently to receive a completion message.